1996 University of Miami, Post-Doctoral Position studying the design and effectiveness of a marine protected area in the central Bahamas

1995  University of Miami, Ph.D. Biology, Advisor- Dr. Kathleen Sullivan-Sealey, Dissertation title - Influence of habitat on density, species richness, and size distribution of groupers in the upper Florida Keys, USA and central Bahamas.

1991 Michigan State University, M.S. Fisheries Biology, Advisors - Drs Scott Winterstein and William Taylor, Thesis title - The effects of spring climate, spawner abundance, and cannibalism on the abundance of rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) at two sites in the upper Great Lakes.

1989 University of Miami, B.S. Marine Science and Biology

1988 James Cook University, Australia, Exchange program


Lead Scientist, A Rocha International Marine and Coastal Conservation Programme – designing and implementing marine conservation and research programs for A Rocha International throughout their 19 country programs. December 2013 to present.

International Secretary, Christians in Science – developing and communicating with international membership. October 2014 to June 2017.

Faraday Associate, The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, St. Edmund’s College, Cambridge. December 2009 to present.

Conservation Champion, Chiltern Gateway Project, A Rocha UK– teaching in nature club for primary school students, organizing community conservation events, speaking on Biblical basis of environmental conservation, study of juniper tree population in Aston Rowant National Nature Reserve, UK, Marine Biodiversity survey of St Madoc Christian Youth Camp, Wales – May 2007 to December 2016.

Chief Scientist, Center for Applied Science, Millennium Relief & Development Services: Survey of reefs of India’s west coast, reef fish studies in the Indian Ocean, Humphead wrasse ecology, cleaning behavior studies, impacts of tsunami on reefs of India -  January 2001 to May 2010.

Adjunct faculty (research): University of Miami - September 1995 to 2000

Oceanographic Society of Maldives: Senior scientist. August 1996 to June 1998

Postdoctoral Position:  The Nature Conservancy and the University of Miami studying the design and effectiveness of a marine fishery reserve in the central Bahamas - June 1995 to July 1996

The Nature Conservancy:  Assisted in structuring and compiling data for the biological conservation database, development of fisheries restoration plan for Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic -January 1993 to June 1995

Oceanographic Society of Maldives: consultant for development of grouper aquaculture in the Republic of Maldives - June-July 1993


60 - Hannah F R Hereward, Nicholas D Ray, Louise K Gentle and Robert D Sluka. 2017. Ghost crab burrow density at Watamu Marine National Park: An indicator of the impact of urbanisation and associated disturbance? African Journal of Marine Science 39(1):129-133.

59 - Sluka, R.D. and A. Nussbaumer. 2017. Le changement climatique et l’océan. Pages 87-101 in E. Hobbs, J.F. Mouhot, and C. Walley (Eds.) Evangile & changement climatique. Dossier VIVRE no. 40 En Glapin 8, Switzerland. 227pp.

58 – Sluka, Robert D. 2016. The Hidden Things of God in the Ocean. Anglican EcoCare Journal of EcoTheology 2:41-50.

57- Srokosz, M and R.D. Sluka. 2016. Chapter 14: Creation Care of the other 71%. Pages 214-236 in C.Bell and R.S. White (Eds) Creation Care and the Gospel: Reconsidering the Mission of the Church. Hendrickson Publishers Marketing LLC, Massachusetts, USA. 353pp.

56 - Sindorf, V, B. Cowburn and R.D. Sluka. 2015. Rocky intertidal fish assemblage in the Watamu Marine National Park, Western Indian Ocean. Environmental Biology of Fishes 98: 1777-1785. DOI 10.1007/s10641-015-0397-1

55 - Gordon, T.A.C., Cowburn, B, and R.D. Sluka. 2015. Defended territories of an aggressive damselfish contain lower juvenile coral density than adjacent non-defended areas on Kenyan lagoon patch reefs. Coral Reefs 34:13-16. DOI 10.1007/s00338-014-1229-z

54 - Sluka, R.D. and P. Simonin. 2014. Marine Capture Fisheries – A call to action in response to limits, unintended consequences, and ethics. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 66:203-212.
53 - Mary, Anita G and R.D. Sluka. 2014. Biodiversity and distribution of octocorals of Minicoy Island, Lakshadweep. Atoll Research Bulletin no. 602 17pp.  DOI: 10.5479/si.00775630.602

52 - Cowburn, B., R. Sluka, J. Smith, and M.O.S. Mohamed. 2013. Tourism, Reef Condition and Visitor Satisfaction in Watamu Marine National Park, Kenya. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science 12: 57-70.

51 - Sluka, R.D. 2013. Coastal marine fish biodiversity along the west coast of India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 5: 3574–3579. DOI:

50 – Sluka, R. D. 2012. Hope for the Ocean: Marine Biodiversity, Poverty Alleviation and Blessing the Nations. Grove Books Limited, Cambridge. 28pp.

49 - Sluka, R.D. Mary, A.G., and S. Lazarus. 2012. The biota of shallow, rocky reefs on the west coast of India. CORDIO Status Report 2011.

48 - Sluka,R.D., Kaonga, M., Weatherley, J., Anand,V., Bosu, D., Jackson, C.   2011. Christians, biodiversity conservation, and poverty alleviation: a potential synergy? Biodiversity 12(2):108-115. DOI: 10.1080/14888386.2011.599780

47 - Mary, A.G., Sluka, R.D. & Lazarus, S. 2011. Octocoral diversity and distribution
on the south-west Indian coast. Marine Biodiversity Records.
Vol. 4; e16; doi:10.1017/S1755267211000066

46- Sluka, Robert. 2010. Chapter 15 Marine Species. Pages 53-71 In: Lester, A and Hodgetts, S Eds. Gower Wildlife Recording Weekend: A preliminary survey of St. Madoc’s Christian Youth Camp. A Rocha UK, Southall, United Kingdom.

45- Sluka, R.D. and S. Lazarus. 2010. Grouper (Pisces: Serranidae) relative abundance and diversity on the west coast of India. Marine Biodiversity Records, 3: e71 doi:10.1017/S1755267210000606

44 – Sluka, R.D. and S. Lazarus. 2009. Reefs of the India’s west coast. Reef Encounter 37:18.

43 – Sluka, R.D. 2008. The ecological significance of cleaning to groupers (Pisces: Serranidae)
and their role as clients. Center for Applied Science, Millennium Relief & Development Services Special Publication No 4. Bellaire, Texas. 18pp.

42 – Sluka, R.D. and S. Lazarus. 2006. Community development and conservation through alternative uses of reef fish resources in South India. Center for Applied Science, Millennium Relief & Development Services Special Publication No 3. Bellaire, Texas. 19pp.

41 – Sluka, R.D. 2006. Moorish Idol, Zanclus cornutus, distribution among coral reef habitats in the Republic of Maldives.  Center for Applied Science, Millennium Relief & Development Services Special Publication No 2. Bellaire, Texas. 13pp.

40 – Sluka, R.D. and S. Lazarus. 2006. Groupers and wrasses of Minicoy Island, Lakshadweep, India. Newsletter of the IUCN Grouper & Wrasses Specialist Group 9:4-5.

39 - Patterson Edward, J.K., S. Kulkanri, R. Jeyabaskaran, S. Lazarus, A. Mary, K. Venkataraman, S. Prabha Das, J. Tamelander, A. Rajasuriya, K. Jayakumar, A.K. Kumaraguru, N. Marimuthu, R. Sluka, and J. J. Wilson. 2005. The effects of the 2004 tsunami on mainland India and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. p. 85-98. In Wilkinson, C., D. Souter and J. Goldberg (eds.) Status of Coral Reefs in Tsunami Affected Countries: 2005. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Queensland. 154 p

38 - Sluka, R.D., S. Lazarus and A. Mary. 2005. Underwater survey of rocky reefs of Muttom, Tamil Nadu: possible tsunami impacts. Wave in Bay (Impact of tsunami on coastal resources) ENVIS Publication Series 3/2005: 53-59.

37 - Sluka, R.D. 2005. Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) abundance and size structure among coral reef habitats in Maldives. Atoll Research Bulletin 538:189-198.

36 - Sluka, R.D. and S. Lazarus. 2005. Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) rare on the west coast of India. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 85:1293-1294.

35 - Sluka, R.D. and S. Lazarus. 2004. Grouper and wrasse biodiversity along the west coast of India. Newsletter of the IUCN Grouper & Wrasses Specialist  8: 6,10.

34 - Leon, Y., E. Pugibet, and R. Sluka. 2004. The abundance of fishes in shallow, algal/seagrass habitats in the waters surrounding Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 48:259-271.

 33 - Pugibet, E., R. Sluka, L. Almánzar, and M. Hernandez. 2004. Estudio pesquero en el Parque Nacional del Este, Republica Dominicana. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 48:293-309.

 32 - Schmitt, E.F., R. D. Sluka, and K. M. Sullivan-Sealey. 2002. Evaluating the use of roving diver and transect surveys to assess the coral reef fish assemblage off southeastern Hispaniola. Coral Reefs 21: 216-223

 31 - Sluka, R.D. 2001. Grouper and Napoleon wrasse ecology in Laamu Atoll, Republic of Maldives: Part 1. Habitat, behavior, and movement patterns. Atoll Research Bulletin 491: 1-26.

 30 - Sluka, R.D. 2001. Grouper and Napoleon wrasse ecology in Laamu Atoll, Republic of Maldives: Part 2. Timing, location, and characteristics of spawning aggregations. Atoll Research Bulletin 492:1-15.

 29 - Sluka, R.D. 2001. Grouper and Napoleon wrasse ecology in Laamu Atoll, Republic of Maldives: Part 3. Fishing effects and management of the live fish food trade. Atoll Research Bulletin 493:1-18.

 28 - Sluka, R.D.,  M. Chiappone, and K. M. Sullivan Sealey. 2001. Influence of habitat on grouper abundance in the Florida Keys, U.S.A. Journal of Fish Biology 58:682-700.

27 - Sluka, R.D. and S. Lazarus. 2001. Snorkeler's Guide to Kovalam Beach. Center for Applied Science, Millennium Relief & Development Services Special Publication No 1. Nagercoil, India. 8pp.

 26 - Sluka, R.D., and M.W. Miller. 2001. Herbivorous fish assemblages and herbivory pressure in Laamu Atoll, Republic of Maldives. Coral Reefs 20:255-262.

 25 - Sluka, R.D., T.A. Potts, and K.M. Sullivan Sealey. 2001. The influence of cleaning stations on grouper abundance and behavior. Bahamas Journal of Science 8:33-38.

 24 - Chiappone M., R. Sluka and K.S. Sealey. 2000. Groupers (Pisces: Serranidae) in fished and protected areas of the Florida Keys, Bahamas and northern Caribbean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 198:261-272.

23 - Sluka, R. 2000. Groupers: group spawning predators in need of conservation. pages 344-346. In McClanahan, T.R., Sheppard, C.R.C., Obura, D.O. (editors).  Coral Reefs of the Indian Ocean: Their Ecology and Conservation.  Oxford University Press, NY.  pp.  526.

22 - Risk, M.J. and R. Sluka  2000.  The Maldives: A nation of atolls. pages 325-351  In McClanahan, T.R., Sheppard, C.R.C., Obura, D.O. (editors).  Coral Reefs of the Indian Ocean: Their Ecology and Conservation.  Oxford University Press, NY.  pp.  526.

 21 - Miller, M.W. and R.D. Sluka. 1999. Patterns of seagrass and sediment nutrient distribution suggest anthropogenic enrichment in Laamu Atoll, Republic of Maldives. Marine Pollution Bulletin 38:1152-1156.

 20 - Miller, M.W. and R.D. Sluka. 1999. Coral-seagrass interactions in an anthropogenicly enriched lagoon. Coral Reefs 18:368.

 19 - Sluka, R., M. Chiappone, K.M. Sullivan, and M. deGarine Whichatitsky. 1999. Benthic habitat characterization and space utilization by juvenile Epinepheline groupers in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, Central Bahamas. Proceedings of the 45th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 45:23-36.

 18 - Sluka, R.D. and M.W. Miller. 1999. Status of crown-of-thorns starfish in Laamu Atoll, Republic of Maldives. Bulletin of Marine Science 65:253-258.

17 - Bustamante, G., M. Chiappone, G.A. Delgado, F.X. Geraldes, E. Pugibet, E. Schmitt, R. Sluka, K.M. Sullivan-Sealey, R.E. Torres, M. Vega, Y. Rodriquez, J. Alarcon, and Y. Lichtensztajn. 1998. Reef fish assemblages and fisheries in Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic. Proceedings of the 50th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 50:919-937.

16 - Chiappone, M., R. Sluka, K.M. Sullivan, E. Schmitt, G. Bustamente, J. Kelly, M. Vega, E. Pugibet, F.X. Geraldes, and R.E. Torres. 1998. Comparison of grouper assemblages in northern areas of the wider Caribbean: A preliminary assessment. Proceedings of the 50th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 50:427-451.

 15 - Miller, M.W. and R.D. Sluka. 1998. Coral mining in Maldives. Coral Reefs 17:288.

 14 - Sluka, R., M. Chiappone, K.M. Sullivan, T. Potts, J.M. Levy, E.F. Schmitt and G. Meester. 1998. Density, species and size distribution of groupers (Serranidae) in three habitats at Elbow Reef, Florida Keys. Bulletin of Marine Science 62: 219-228.

 13 - Sluka, R.D. and K.M. Sullivan. 1998. The influence of spearfishing on the density, size distribution, and species composition of groupers in the upper Florida Keys. Fishery Bulletin 96:388-392.

 12 - Chiappone, M., K.M. Sullivan, and R. Sluka. 1997. Status of reefs in the central Bahamas based on a large-scale survey. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium 1:345-350.

 11 - Chiappone, M., K.M. Sullivan, and R. Sluka. 1997. Reef invertebrates of the Exuma Cays, Bahamas: Part 1 - corals. Bahamas Journal of Science 4(2):30-36.

 10 - Chiappone, M., K.M. Sullivan, and R. Sluka. 1997. Reef invertebrates of the Exuma Cays, Bahamas: Part 2 - octocorals. Bahamas Journal of Science 4(3):28-37

 9 - Sluka, R., M. Chiappone, K.M. Sullivan, and R. Wright. 1997. The benefits of marine fishery reserve status for Nassau grouper Epinephelus striatus in the central Bahamas. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium 2:1961-1964.

8 - Chiappone, M. and R. Sluka. 1996. Fish and Fisheries. Chapter 6 in K.M. Sullivan and M. Chiappone (Ed.) Site Characterization for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Environs.  Farley Court Publishers, Zenda, Wisconsin.

7 - Sluka, R., M. Chiappone, and K.M. Sullivan. 1996. Habitat preferences of groupers in the Exuma Cays, central Bahamas. Bahamas Journal of Science 4:8-14.

6 - Sluka, R., M. Chiappone, K.M. Sullivan, and R. Wright. 1996. Habitat and Life in the Exuma Cays, the Bahamas:  The status of groupers and coral reefs in the northern cays. Media Publishing Ltd., Nassau. 83pp.

5 - Sluka, R. and N. Reichenbach.  1996. The density and diversity of groupers at two sites in the Republic of Maldives.  Atoll Research Bulletin 438:1-16.

4 - Sluka, R. and K.M. Sullivan. 1996. Daily activity patterns of groupers in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, central Bahahas.  Bahamas Journal of Science 3:17-22.

 3 - Sluka, R. and K.M. Sullivan. 1996. The influence of habitat on the size distribution of groupers in the upper Florida Keys. Environmental Biology of Fishes 47:177-189.

 2 - Sullivan, K.M. and R. Sluka. 1996. The ecology of shallow-water groupers (Pisces: Serranidae) in the upper Florida Keys, USA. Pages 76-86 In: F. Arrequin-Sanchez, J.L. Munro, M.C. Balgos and D. Pauly (Eds.). Biology, Fisheries and Culture of Tropical Groupers and Snappers. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 48, 449p.

1 - Sluka, R., K.M. Sullivan, and M. Chiappone. 1994. Comparison of juvenile grouper populations in southern Florida and the central Bahamas. Bulletin of Marine Science 54(3):871-880.

Cowburn, B., Sluka, R. D., Musembi, P. M., Sindorf, V., Kohlmeier, D., Raker, C., Porteus, A., van Baelenberghe, B., Goebbles, D., Kamire, J., Horion, M., Rogers, A., Taylor, M. [Submitted]. Protecting marine habitats and biodiversity for nearly 50 years in East Africa: A case study of Watamu Marine National Park, Kenya. Atoll Research Bulletin


Popular articles and blogs

Peace on earth, goodwill to manatees. 2017. A Rocha USA blog.

Organizações se unem no combate ao microplástico em ambientes marinhos [Organizations unite to combat microplastics in the ocean] 2017. Ultimato (Brasilian online magazine)

Waiting for Hurricane Irma. 2017. A Rocha International Planetwise Blog

Loving your neighbor – the case of the Nassau grouper. 2016.

Postcard from the Mediterranean. 2015. A Rocha International Planetwise Blog

Grouper: Amazing Fish. 2015. Koomba 2, Wildlife Clubs of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya. Pp 24-25.

The Hidden Things of God in the Ocean. Day 41. 2015. A Christian Ministry in the National Parks Devotional Guide, Denver, CO, USA.

Marine protected areas: biodiversity conservation and development. In: Hodson, Martin J.and Hodson, Margot R. 2015. A Christian Guide to Environmental Issues. Bible Reading Fellowship, London, UK.

Coral Reef Research in Kenya. 2014. A Rocha International News Issue 56, December 2014. p. 3.

Is there hope for the ocean? 2013. God and Nature. American Scientific Affiliation.

Joined-up thinking. 2013 A Rocha UK Spring/Summer 2013 Magazine. p. 8

Hope for the ocean. 2013 A Rocha UK Spring/Summer 2013 Magazine. p. 9

A Rocha Kenya Conservation Research Reports

Robert D Sluka, Peter Musembi, Benjamin Cowburn, Colin Jackson and Jaap Gijsbertsen. 2014. Marine Research and Conservation at A Rocha Kenya: 2010-2014. A Rocha Kenya
Science & Conservation Occasional Research Report #36. 20pp.

Hannah F R Hereward and Robert D Sluka. 2014. Testing ghost crab density as a useful indicator of human impacts on exposed sandy beaches. A Rocha Kenya Occasional Research Report #29. 15pp.

Benjamin Cowburn, Robert D Sluka and Joy Smith. 2013. Coral Reef Ecology and Biodiversity in Watamu Marine National Park, Kenya. A Rocha Kenya Conservation & Science Occasional Research Report #27. 14pp.

Benjamin Cowburn and Robert D Sluka. 2012. Impact of snorkeling tourism on marine habitats of Watamu Marine National Park. A Rocha Kenya Occasional Research Report #26. 22pp.

Robert Sluka, Benjamin Cowburn, and Colin Jackson. 2012. The Impact of Watamu Marine National Park on Marine Biodiversity & Habitats. A Rocha Kenya Occasional Research Report #24. 18pp.

A Rocha UK marine reports

Robert D Sluka, Benjamin Cowburn, and Phil Vincent. 2011. Updated Marine Species from St Madoc Christian Youth Camp, Wales. 4pp.

Sluka, Robert. 2010. Chapter 15 Marine Species. Pages 53-71 In: Lester, A and Hodgetts, S Eds. Gower Wildlife Recording Weekend: A preliminary survey of St. Madoc’s Christian Youth Camp. A Rocha UK, Southall, United Kingdom.

Invited Lectures, Oral and Poster Presentations:

Peter Musembi, Benjamin Cowburn and Robert D Sluka. 2017.Conservation of sharks and rays through research and Education in Watamu Marine National Park and Reserve, Kenya.Southern African Shark and Ray Symposium. Hermanus, South Africa, 10-13 Sep.

Robert D Sluka. 2017. A Rocha International Statement. United Nations Ocean Conference, New York City, USA, 5-9 June.

Robert D Sluka, Peter Musembi and Benjamin D Cowburn. 2017. Why have Coral Reefs in Watamu Marine National Park, Kenya not recovered after the 1998 bleaching event?Marine Protected Areas: Science Policy and Management 2017, 15th-17th May, Poole, UK. (poster)

Robert D Sluka. 2016. The Spiritual Pathway at the IUCN World Conservation
Congress: implications for coral reef conservation. Reef Conservation in the UK, 26 November, London Zoological Society, London UK.

Peter Musembi, Benjamin Cowburn, Jillo Katello, Robert D. Sluka, and David Obura. 2016. Anomastraea irregularis in Watamu Marine National Park, Kenya. Reef Conservation in the UK, 26 November, London Zoological Society, London UK.(poster)

Robert D Sluka. 2016. Science and Theology: Drivers of A Rocha’s global Marine and Coastal Conservation Programme. IUCN World Conservation Congress, 1-10 September, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (poster)

Robert D Sluka, Benjamin Cowburn, Timothy Gordon, Hannah F.R. Hereward, Matthias Horion, Dorothea Kohlmeier, Peter Musembi, Aline Porteous, Caterine Raker, Victoria Sindorf, Michelle L. Taylor, and Alex D Rogers. 2016. Biodiversity in Watamu Marine National Park – new study reveals important species diversity previously overlooked. IUCN World Conservation Congress, 1-10 September Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

Robert D Sluka. 2016. Hope for the ocean. Christians in Science Northern Conference, 16 April Sheffield, UK.

Robert D Sluka. 2016. Faith and Marine Conservation. Cambridge Conservation Forum. 15 February Cambridge, UK.

Benjamin Cowburn, Robert D Sluka, Peter Musembi, Dorothea Kohlmeier. 2015. Biodiversity of Watamu Marine National Park, Kenya. Reef Conservation in the UK, 28 November, London Zoological Society, London UK. (poster)

Benjamin Cowburn, Robert D Sluka, Peter Musembi, Dorothea Kohlmeier. 2015. Biodiversity of Watamu Marine National Park, Kenya. European Marine Biology Symposium, 21-25 September, Helgoland, Germany. (poster)

Robert D Sluka. 2015. Hope for the Ocean. Reconciling a Wounded Planet Conference, 18 September, Coventry Cathedral, UK.

Robert D Sluka. 2015. Science, Faith, and Blessing the Nations. London School of Theology, 21 April, London, UK.

Robert D Sluka. 2015. Beauty in the Ocean: Theological and Practical Implications. London School of Theology, 10 March, London, UK.

Catherine Raker, Benjamin Cowburn, Victoria Sindorf, Peter Musembi, Benjamin Vanbaelenberghe, and Robert D Sluka. 2014. Anomastraea irregularis, a Vulnerable coral of the rocky intertidal zone of Watamu Marine National Park, Kenya. Reef Conservation UK meeting at Zoological Society of London, 6 December, London, UK. (poster)

Robert D Sluka. 2014. The Hidden Things of God in the Ocean. ASA/CIS/CSA Annual Conference, 25-28 July, McMaster University, Hamilton Canada.

Catherine Raker, Benjamin Cowburn, Victoria Sindorf, Peter Musembi, Benjamin Vanbaelenberghe, and Robert D Sluka. 2014. Anomastraea irregularis, a Vulnerable coral of the rocky intertidal zone of Watamu Marine National Park, Kenya. The 43rd Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting, 19-22 March, Jacksonville, Florida, USA. (poster)

Robert D Sluka, Benjamin Cowburn, Benjamin Van Baelenberghe, Chloe Naylor, Victoria Sindorf, and Mohamed O.S. Mohamed. 2013. Rockpools of Watamu Marine National Park: Biodiversity, conservation, and education. Reef Conservation UK meeting at Zoological Society of London, 7 December, London, UK. (poster)

Robert D Sluka, Benjamin Cowburn, Benjamin Van Baelenberghe, Chloe Naylor, Victoria Sindorf, and Mohamed O.S. Mohamed. 2013. Rockpools of Watamu Marine National Park: Biodiversity, conservation, and education. Biodiversity Institute Symposium on Biodiversity Resilience, 2-3 October, University of Oxford, UK. (poster)

Robert D. Sluka, Benjamin Cowburn, and Colin Jackson 2012. Marine Conservation, Poverty Alleviation, and Blessing the Nations: a New Project at A Rocha Kenya. Christians in Science Conference, July 13-16, University of Cambridge, England. (poster)

Robert D. Sluka. 2011. Christians: opponents or partners in conserving marine biodiversity? World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, September 26-30, Aberdeen, Scotland.

Robert D Sluka and David S. Price. 2011. Biodiversity Conservation: A growing priority in Christian cultural landscapes. Biodiversity Institute Symposium on Biodiversity conservation beyond protected areas, September 21-22, University of Oxford, UK. (poster)

David S Price and Robert D Sluka. 2011. Cross-cultural Christian Workers in Ecological Restoration and Conservation? The Society for Ecological Restoration International (SER) World Conference on Ecological Restoration, August 21-25, Merida, Mexico.

Robert D. Sluka. 2010. Hope for the Ocean: Christian theological ethics and marine conservation biology. Society for the Study of Christian Ethics annual conference, September 3-5, Cambridge, UK.

Robert D. Sluka. 2010. A Christian perspective on marine conservation biology. International Institute for Christian Studies Annual conference, July 15-17, Kansas City, USA

Robert D. Sluka. 2010. Marine Conservation Science: an opportunity for blessing. Point Loma Nazarene University, March 1, San Diego, USA.

Robert D. Sluka. 2010. Marine environmental issues and their impacts on rural fishing communities in the UK and British overseas territories. Christian Rural and Environmental Studies Program, Ripon College Cuddesdon, February 20, Oxford, UK.

Robert D. Sluka 2009. Christians: moving from scapegoats to marine conservationists. International Marine Conservation Congress, May 20-24, Washington DC, USA.

Robert D. Sluka. 2007. Tsunami relief and coastal fishing communities: the science and appropriate technology supporting the sustainable use of marine resources. Annual meeting of Christians in Science, August 2-5, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Anita G. Mary, Robert D. Sluka and S. Lazarus 2007 Status of octocoral and sponge densities along the west coast of India with special reference to post-tsunami survey. International Conference on Tropical Aquatic Research Toward Sustainable Development, February 15-16, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (poster)

Anita G. Mary, R.D. Sluka and S. Lazarus. 2006. Biodiversity and distribution of octocorals of Minicoy Island, Lakshadweep. 1st Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium June 18-24, Hong Kong, China.

Robert D. Sluka, S. Lazarus  and Anita G. Mary. 2006. First description of the reefs of India’s west coast. The 6th European Coral Reef Conference 2006 European Meeting of the International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS) September 19-22, Bremen, Germany. (poster)

Robert D. Sluka. 2004. More Effective Fisheries Management: Incorporating Reef Fish Ecology into Fisheries Management Plans. Millennium Relief & Development Services Visiting Expert Program. Invited lecture at Hodeidah University, Yemen.

Robert D. Sluka. 2004. Marine Protected Areas: Design, Evaluation and Monitoring.
Millennium Relief & Development Services Visiting Expert Program. Invited lecture at Hodeidah University, Yemen.

Robert D. Sluka. 2004. Human impacts on coral reefs. Millennium Relief & Development Services Visiting Expert Program. Invited lecture at Hodeidah University, Yemen.

Robert D. Sluka. 2001. Grouper and Napoleon wrasse ecology in Laamu Atoll, Republic of Maldives. 6th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, May 20-25, Durban, South Africa.

Robert D. Sluka. 2001. Moorish Idol, Zanclus cornutus, distribution among coral reef habitats in the Republic of Maldives. 6th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, May 20-25, Durban, South Africa.

Bustamante, G., M. Chiappone, G.A. Delgado, F.X. Geraldes, E. Pugibet, E. Schmitt, R. Sluka, K.M. Sullivan, R.E. Torres, and M. Vega. 1997. Fisheries investigations in Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic: Implications for resource management and restoration. 50th meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, November 9-13, Merida, Mexico.

Chiappone, M., R. Sluka, and K.M. Sullivan. 1997. Effects of a marine fishery reserve on groupers in the Exuma Cays, Bahamas. 50th meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, November 9-13, Merida, Mexico.

Chiappone, M., R. Sluka, and K.M. Sullivan. 1997. Reefs and hard-bottom habitats of the central Bahamas: Variation with location relative to the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park. 7th Symposium on the Nature History of the Bahamas. June 13-17,  Bahamian Field Station, San Salvador, Bahamas.

Chiappone, M., R. Sluka, K.M. Sullivan, E. Schmitt, G. Bustamente, J. Kelly, S. Bolden, M. Vega, E. Pugibet, F.X. Geraldes, and R.E. Torres. 1997. Comparison of grouper assemblages in northern areas of the wider Caribbean: Habitat and fishing effects. 50th meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, November 9-13, Merida, Mexico.

Sluka, R., M. Chiappone, and K.M. Sullivan. 1997. Abundance, biomass, and reproductive output of groupers in relation to the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park: The benefits of marine reserve status. 7th Symposium on the Nature History of the Bahamas. June 13-17,  Bahamian Field Station, San Salvador, Bahamas.

Sullivan, K.M., M. Chiappone, and R. Sluka. 1997. Benefits of marine resource protection in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park: Implications for the design of marine reserves in the Bahamas. 7th Symposium on the Nature History of the Bahamas. June 13-17,  Bahamian Field Station, San Salvador, Bahamas.

Chiappone, M., K.M. Sullivan, and R. Sluka. 1996. Status of reefs in the central Bahamas based on a large-scale survey. 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, June 24-29, 1996, Panama City, Panama.

Sluka, R., M. Chiappone, K.M. Sullivan, and R. Wright. 1996. The benefits of marine fishery reserve status for Nassau grouper Epinephelus striatus in the central Bahamas. 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, June 24-29, 1996, Panama City, Panama.

Almánzar, L., E. Pugibet, and R. Sluka. 1995. Estudio pesquero en el Parque Nacional del Este, Republica Dominicana. 48th meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, November 6-10, 1995, Santo Domingo, Domincan Republic.

Leon, Y., E. Pugibet, and R. Sluka. 1995. The abundance of fishes in shallow, algal/seagrass habitats in the waters surrounding Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic. 48th meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, November 6-10, 1995, Santo Domingo, Domincan Republic.

Sluka, R. 1995. The influence of habitat on the density, species composition, and size distribution of groupers in the upper Florida Keys. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, August 28-31, 1995, Tampa, Florida.

Sluka, R. and G. Larson. 1995. The Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, central Bahamas: development and scientific research.  Workshop to review global status, efficacy, and research needs of marine reserves, September 26-30, 1995, Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas.

Sluka, R. and N. Reichenbach. 1993. The Abundance and Diversity of Groupers at Two Sites in the Republic of Maldives. The International Tropical Grouper and Snapper Symposium, October 26-29, 1993, Campeche, Mexico.

Sullivan, K.M. and R. Sluka. 1993. The ecology of shallow-water groupers (Pisces: Serranidae) in the upper Florida Keys, USA. The International Tropical Grouper and Snapper Symposium, October 26-29, 1993, Campeche, Mexico.

Sluka, R., M. Chiappone, and K.M. Sullivan.  1992. Comparison of Juvenile Grouper Populations Between a Marine Fishery Reserve and an Area Under Exploitation. Florida Regional Ecosystems Conference, November 16-20, 1992, Miami, FL.

Sluka, R., M. Chiappone, M. deGarine-Whichatitsky, and K.M. Sullivan. 1992.  Habitat Characterization and Space Utilization of Juvenile Groupers in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, Central Bahamas.  45th meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Nov. 1-6, 1992, Merida, Mexico.

Sluka, R., S.R. Winterstein, W.W. Taylor, and R.W. Brown.  1990.  Yearly Variability in Abundance of Rainbow Smelt from Green Bay: the Role of Climatic Variables.  52nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. December 2-5, 1990 at Minneapolis Minnesota.

Teaching/Academic Experience:      

Fisheries ecology and marine protected areas. Lectures as part of the Visiting Expert Program, Millennium Relief & Development Services. Hodeida University, Yemen. 2004

Geographic Information System for Marine Park Management: Instructor for graduate-level lecture course taught through the University of Miami to scientists in the Bahamas. March 1996.

Conservation Science:  Instructor for lecture course MSC 412/BIL 673 Conservation Science course at University of Miami, including field work in the Dominican Republic. Spring 1995.

Field Oceanography:  Instructor for lecture course MSC 320 Field Oceanography at University of Miami, including research cruise to Florida Keys and Dry Tortugas, Florida. Spring 1993, 1994, 1995.

Introduction to Marine Biology:  Teaching assistant for MSC 230 Introduction to Marine Biology Laboratory at University of Miami, including field work. Fall 1991, 1992, 1993

Introduction to Biology:  Teaching assistant for BIL 112 Introduction to Biology Laboratory at University of Miami. Spring 1992.

Fisheries Management:  Teaching assistant for FW 473 Fisheries Management course at Michigan State University. Fall 1990.

Dissertation committee member

Benjamin Cowburn. 2016. Components of resilience and recovery on a bleached coral reefs. Department of Zoology, Oxford University, United Kingdom.

Outside reviewer for the following Ph.D. theses:

P.T. Sarada. 2007. Hydrobiological studies of Minicoy Lagoon, Lakshadweep. Scott Christian College, Nagercoil, India.

M. Sivadas. 2006. Studies on the fishery, biology and population dynamics of the skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus 1758) from Minicoy, Lakshadweep. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu India.

T. Maria Swarna Lila Bai. 2005. Studies on the hydrobiology, productivity and microbial
ecology of two selected estuaries of Kanyakumari district, South India.
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu India.

B. Valentin Bhimba. 2005. Studies on the bio-technological applications of marine micro-algae. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu India.

Thiru. G.K. Suresh. 2004. Systematics and biology of fishes of the family Apogonidae (Order Perciformes: suborder percoidai). Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu India.

V. Sivakumaran. 2003. The estuarine fisheries resources of Kanyakurmar District with special reference to mullets. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu India.

Jacobus Wilson Mosse. 2001. Population biology of Cephalopholis cyanostigma (Serranidae) of the Great Barrier Reef. James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland Australia.

Grant support (total amount $249,130):

2016: Big Give. Kenya Beach Boys Project. £23,749 ($29,130)

2016: Matthew 25:35 Foundation. Kenya Beach Boys Project. £5000 ($6,135)

2013: A Rocha International. Water safety at A Rocha Kenya Field Study Centre. $8000

2012: Private donation. Funding Marine Conservation and Research programme of A Rocha Kenya: $10,000

2012: A Rocha International. Marine Conservation and Research programme Kenya: $4500

2011: Tasso Leventis Conservation Foundation. Develop marine conservation and research program at A Rocha Kenya. Co-principal investigator: $10,000.

2007: MRDS funding to study effective tsunami relief and development in tropical coastal marine habitats of the Indian Ocean. Principal investigator: $11,750

2005: GMIOF funding to train Indian scientists in underwater ecological research in response to tsunami events. Principal investigator: $20,700

Project AWARE Asia Pacific. Re-survey of tsunami affected rocky reef habitats and capacity building of reef monitoring team in southwestern India Principal investigator: $2,040

2002: National Geographic Society. Grant 7094-01 Ecology and biodiversity of Indian coral reef fishes and their habitats. Principal investigator: $17,640

PADI AWARE Foundation funding to start a volunteer fish monitoring program at Goa, India. Principal investigator: $300

2001: PADI AWARE Foundation. Community development through diving-based tourism at Kovalam Beach, South India. Principal investigator: $950

1998: Wildlife Conservation Society funding to study Napoleon wrasse and grouper spawning aggregations in Maldives. Principal investigator: $28,000

1997: National Geographic Society funding to study the interactive effects of fishing and nutrient loading on coral reefs. Co-Principal investigator: $10,025

John G. Shedd Aquarium funding to study the ecology and conservation of Maldivian groupers. Principal investigator: $3,000

1996: American Museum of Natural History funding to study the ecology and conservation of Maldivian groupers. Principal investigator: $1,375

Wildlife Conservation Society funding to study the ecology and conservation of Maldivian groupers. Principal investigator: $19,850

1995: Jeniam Foundation funding to investigate the effectiveness of the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park as a marine fishery reserve in the central Bahamas. Co-investigator: $50,000.

1994: Graduate student research award. Principal investigator: $300.

1993-1994: NOAA/NURC funding to investigate the influence of habitat on the distribution of groupers in the upper Florida Keys. Co-investigator: $17,500 + 16 weeks ship time.

SCUBA Qualifications

PADI Open Water Diver – 1981
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver – 1988
University of Miami Scientific Research Diver – 1992-1996
University of Miami Nitrox Diver certification – 1992
PADI Emergency O2 Provider – 2014
Emergency First Responder – 2017

Total open water dives: 860

Journal and Grant reviews

Coral Reefs
Bulletin of Marine Science
Biodiversity and Conservation
Fishery Bulletin
Fisheries Research
Journal of Threatened Taxa
Journal of Freshwater and Marine Science
Marfin – Marine Fisheries Initiative Program, NOAA Fisheries Service
Marine Biodiversity Records
National Marine Fisheries Service's Saltonstall-Kennedy competitive grant program
Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith

Society membership – past and present
Christians in Science
Society for the Conservation of Reef Fish Aggregations
Phi Beta Kappa
International Society for Reef Studies
Society for Conservation Biology

Advisory Committees
Aston Rowant National Nature Reserve, UK
Coastal Impact India -
A Rocha UK Scientific Advisory Committee
Christians in Science – International Secretary

Revision date: Jan 2018

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