about me

I grew up loving the ocean – despite spending my first 18 years of life in Detroit. Starting diving at age 13 and degrees in marine biology from University of Miami convinced me that a life lived studying the ocean was for me. I grew up in a Christian home and continue to follow that faith. However, it has only been recently that I have discovered how my faith relates to my love of the ocean. I am working towards a life that integrates my beliefs and love of the ocean in a way that brings blessing to people, nations, and the planet.

I am Lead Scientist of A Rocha International’s Marine and Coastal Conservation Programme. I am an associate of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion.

My research focuses on biodiversity conservation, marine protected areas, fisheries and poverty alleviation, marine litter and microplastics, and fish ecology. Current projects are varied, but include 1) identifying and conserving previously overlooked biodiversity in Watamu Marine National Park (WMNP), Kenya, 2) Shark biodiversity and cultural/spiritual value in coastal Kenya, 3) microplastic citizen science, and 4)  developing faith-based resources and practical projects for marine conservation 5) Marine and Coastal ecology of Florida.

My booklet entitled Hope for the Ocean can be purchased here. Popular articles and blogs with links can be found on my CV.

Publications available at https://independent.academia.edu/RobertSluka and

I am on Linked In - https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertdsluka/
I am on FB and Twitter - @BobSluka

Youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9aL0hQwGQmSRupXeMjQgHg

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